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Ethiopia Chelbesa Washed Filter - Single Origin

Ethiopia Chelbesa Washed Filter - Single Origin

Regular price $23.00 AUD
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Ethiopia Chelbesa Washed Filter - Single OriginChelbesa is located at 2100 masl, close to Worka Town in Gedeb. Chelbesa is the largest growing area in Gedeb, with a total area of 1240 hectares of coffee farms. This specific station buys cherries from approximately 170 farmers all located in the area. Their farms are on average between 0.5 to 2 hectares in size, and sit between 1925 and 2110 masl. The location of this washing station is close to the farms which means that no farmer needs to transport their cherries for more than 40 minutes before reaching the station.During harvest, cherries are collected manually and hand sorted. They are then pulped by a traditional Agaarde disc-pulper, with skin and fruit pulp removed before being graded in water, determined by density. The coffee undergoes a 72 hour wet fermentation to break down the wet mucilage from the parchment layer. In this stage the sugars are broken down into flavour precursors, which influence the final cup quality.The coffee is the soaked for two hours, then washed in channels and graded by density. The lower density and lesser quality beans are removed, leaving only the dense higher quality beans which are separated as higher grade lots such as this one.Coffee is then piled up in layers which are 2cm in height and dried over a 10 day period, followed by hand sorting for 2-4 hours.PROCESS: WASHEDREGION: WORKA CHELBESA,GEDEO, GEDEB, S.N.N.P.R.ELEVATION: 1925 - 2110VARIETAL: DEGA, WOLISHO, LOCAL LANDRACESCUP: APRICOT, JASMINE TEA, LEMON ROAST: FILTER

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